Did you know Alzheimers
starts 10-30 years before symptoms appear?
Did you know Alzheimers is preventable and if caught early, can be reversed?
Did you know Alzheimers runs in families?
Did you know Alzheimers is more common in women than men?
Did you know that most Alzheimer’s patients are not aware they have cognitive decline?
Now you do! If you or someone you love seems a bit off, call ART. We may be able to help You!
After 30 years of practicing medicine, I have learned to ask a new question during patient intake. Of course, I should have been asking this all along. In retrospect, I can’t imagine why I have been so unaware of the need to ask this question. If I fall short and forget to ask you this question, would you be so kind as to help Me fix my mistake? Will you help Me answer the question and write down the answers with me? This may be the most important question to ask everyone aged 40 and older. What is the question?
How do you want to spend the last ten to fifteen years of your life? What do you want to do?
Speaking a second language lowers your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Speaking a third language further reduces the risk. Playing a musical instrument, dancing, and significant exercise also lowers the risk of developing and may delay the onset of AD. Why? All of these increase the multiplicity of connections between different systems within our brains. Neuro-training programs can also be helpful. Just like everything else in nature, brain function is a use it or lose it proposition. So, stay active. Participate in community activities and learn new skills to enhance your health span.